The Mystery of 5-Elders (Gorosei)

The Five Elders (Gorosei)

The Five Elders are the highest-ranking known authority within the World Government, and they are tasked with overseeing global affairs and maintaining the government’s grip on power. They serve directly under Imu-sama, though the majority of the world is unaware of Imu’s existence.


The Five Elders consist of five older men, each with a distinct appearance:

  • A bald elder with glasses and a birthmark on his forehead.
  • A long-bearded elder with a sword.
  • An elder with a bald head and a mustache.
  • An elder with dreadlocks and a scar on his chest.
  • An elder with long hair and a hat.


The Gorosei are essentially the face of the World Government. They have immense power and influence, as they oversee the activities of the Marines, Cipher Pol, and other government organizations.

They can issue orders to Admirals and have the final say in global political matters. For instance, they can decide to issue Buster Calls, which are devastating military operations that obliterate entire islands.

They have a close connection to the Celestial Dragons, the world’s ruling aristocracy, and are devoted to maintaining their dominance over the world.

Mysterious Knowledge and History:

The Gorosei possess deep knowledge of the Void Century, Ancient Weapons, and the Poneglyphs—all of which are forbidden to the general public. They seek to prevent the world from discovering the true history of the Void Century, fearing that it could destabilize the current order.

They have an obsessive desire to eliminate threats to their power, such as the D. clan, who are historically linked to rebellions against tyranny.

Connection to Imu:

Though the Gorosei appear to be the highest authority in the government, they are actually subordinate to Imu-sama, a secret figure who controls the world from the shadows. When Imu issues an order, the Gorosei obey without question.


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